Privacy Statement

Youghal Baptist Church (YBC) – Privacy Notice (June 2023 )

YBC is known as the ‘controller’ of the personal data you provide to us or that you have already provided to us. Under GDPR we hold your information on a legitimate basis meaning that to operate as a church we need certain personal data. We hold financial information on a legal basis in line with tax legislation.

This statement sets out how we will deal with any personal information we may collect from you or that you may provide to us. We will handle personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Personal data relates to any data from which a living individual can be identified.


What we need?

  • We may collect and process the following information about you:
  • Your contact details, name, address, email, phone and other social media contacts,
  • Information that you share with us for the purposes of pastoral care, encouragement, training,
  • and prayer,
  • Your attendance at events and meeting run and hosted by us,
  • Inclusion on the list of members of the church,
  • Your participation in rotas for service in the church,
  • Information contained in correspondence from you and to you,
  • Details of money that you give to the church, if relevant details relating to the charity tax reclaim
  • scheme including your PPSN,
  • Information contained in checks provided by the Garda eVetting service.


What we do with it?

Personal data that we collect or hold will only be used for purposes connected with the church. We may use the data in the following ways:

  • To enable us to operate as a church community,
  • To communicate with you regarding the life of the church, through email, text, WhatsApp etc if you have provided these details to us,
  • To inform you of events, activities and meetings that the church is running which we think may be of interest to you,
  • To enable us to provide pastoral care support and teaching,
  • To help maintain appropriate safeguarding arrangements for the children and young people and vulnerable adults attending the church events,
  • To help you identify where you could serve in the life of the church,
  • To organise rotas, home groups and other events,
  • To keep proper books of account, and to process the charity tax reclaim scheme, to coordinate volunteering.


How long do we keep it?

We will hold your data for no longer that is reasonably necessary, usually for the time that you are attending the church or are a member of the church. After this we may continue to hold your contact details for as long as you agree in order to keep you informed about the ministry of the church. We will keep data on financial giving for the current and previous six years, to comply with tax regulation.


Who we may share your data with?

We may share your information with other people in the church:

  • To facilitate your involvement in the church,
  • To allow for smooth operation of rotas and events,
  • To ask the members of the church to pray for you,
  • To enable the church to provide pastoral care and support for you,
  • As part of your application for membership.


We will not share your information with others outside the church without your consent. For example to provide a reference to another church regarding your application to membership with them.

Our website may from time to time contain links to and from the websites of other organisations. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to these websites.


How we will store your information?

We will use strict procedures and security features to prevent unauthorised access. Digital data will be subject to password protection.
Manual data will be stored in locked filing cabinet.
Financial details and charity tax reclaim details will be held by the Treasurer. Contact details and social media contacts will be held by the Secretary.

Rota details will be held by the Secretary.
eVetting details will be held by the designated person Other data will be held by the Pastor.


What are your rights?

In line with the GDPR you have the following rights:

  • The right to obtain details about how data is processed by the church,
  • The right to request that your personal data is corrected where it is incorrect or out of date,
  • The right to request that your personal data is erased where it is no longer necessary for the
  • church to retain such data,
  • The right to obtain4 a copy of the personal data that the church holds on you,
  • The right to request the church to transmit your data directly to another data controller, where
  • this is appropriate,
  • The right to ask the church not to use your personal data,
  • Where you have consented to us handling your information, you have the right to withdraw that
  • consent at any time,
  • The right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Commission.

For further information about how your personal information is used, how we store your information securely and your rights to access the information that we hold, please contact our team.


Insert and edit your data

For questions about our privacy policy or inquiries about inspection and changes to (or removal of) your personal information, you can contact us at any time through our contact form.


Updated 12/07/2024