We hope that you will find us welcoming and friendly. You don’t need to dress up. Just wear what you would wear on any normal day going shopping or down the street – “Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart”.

People gather around 11 am for an hour. We start with a reading from the Bible and a prayer, and then the congregation will sing a couple of songs using words on the screen. If you don’t like singing, that’s ok – nobody will notice! A couple of musicians at the front play and lead the singing.

Next, we have a couple of announcements followed by a few minutes of open prayer; at this point, the children go to another room to do Sunday Club. The open prayer is just a brief time to allow three or four people, in turn, to pray out loud something they want to share with others.

For the next 20 minutes, someone (normally the church pastor/leader) would give a short reading from the Bible and explain what it means for us today.

Kids Club
We run a children's programme each Sunday morning while the main church service is on. Primary school children and below are welcome.

After that, we have two more songs, a brief prayer and the opportunity for everyone to catch up over tea, coffee and biscuits. Once a month, we have a meal together instead of tea and coffee. If you have to rush on, there is no expectation to stay; however, you will always be welcome.